As part of its efforts to promote strong, independent, and effectiv government audit institutions, INTOSAI held a conference on strengthening external public auditing at the Austrian Parliament in May 2010. About 100 representatives from Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of all seven Regional Working Groups of INTOSAI, the United Nations, the World Bank, the Interparliamentary Union (IPU), the Donor Community and renowned external experts focussed on the significance of SAIs within the democratic system of checks and balances. They emphasized the added value of external government auditing and identified concrete measures to strengthen SAIs in all seven INTOSAI regions.
This publication, "Strengthening External Public Auditing in INTOSAI Regions", contains the numerous conference papers as well as the conclusions and recommendations for all relevant fields of action in order to strengthen external government auditing.They address effective ways of presenting the values and benefits of independent SAIs – including the effective presentation of their audit findings. They also address methods and opportunities for greater cooperation between INTOSAI and Donor Community to enhance capacity building in SAIs of developing and emerging countries.
The publication focuses on four core issues: SAIs within the constitutional framework, SAI independence, values and benefits of SAIs, and capacity building to strengthen SAIs.